Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Balance Test Game

Was just trying to come up with some kind of board-game cover art or something. I think I still need more experience when it comes to being a designer. There were lots of filtering on Photoshop in the creation of this image. It took me long enough!

So what is the game about you might be asking? Simple: Balance Test Game like the title says it is a test and a game at same time. playable in groups of people (yea, a party type game). balance something on your body, without the use of hands of course. how long will she last, before the vase falls to the ground? as a competitor, finding a way to make others fail soon is allowed, but no touching cause that would be cheating. perhaps a joke will do the trick? haha!

I still have not figured out more details about it, but there would definitely be more parameters to the game. Click the image to view the enlarge version /wahaha

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