Friday, September 23, 2011

Drawing a Standing Greeting Girl Process

It took me about twenty minutes to draw up the sketch.  No reference drawing; just wanted to see what could come out and let the imagination decide on the outcome.

Of course, I had in mind something not too complex.  Simplicity was my goal for this drawing.

After the sketch was made I then scanned to my computer, put all colors, and did all the edits on photoshop.  Please take a look at the video here cut short:

And below you can see the finished drawing with colors
I am thinking her head might just be a little big for her body proportions.  It is almost like a painting styled drawing.  There are no dark lines around her just plain color.   The background is simple.  Not too fancy.

Well, I hope you have enjoyed this.  There is more of my art coming soon.
click the image to see the large version
thank you for the visits and
have a great day
God bless :)

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