Monday, March 8, 2010

Cammy Vs Juni And Juli, Fan Art

Here is another fan art involving Street Fighter Characters. Here is Cammy in a different suit I design for her, Juni the blond in the middle, and Juli at the far right.

There are many scenes where I have seen them fight, so I figured I would do a fan art of them just as they are about to fight. Speaking of which, some may not think it is fair, since it is a 2 on 1 fight. I think Cammy will not back down from this fight, because she knows she can take them both.

The place seen here is the beach, thus they are just barefooted. For Juni and Juli it was a coincidence seen Cammy at the beach where they were just hanging. As for Cammy, It might not have been a coincidence. She probably decided to follow them and just be a nuisance to them and kick the butts (it makes good fighting practice lol). As soon as there were eye contact, adrenalin started pumping. So they got up from their confy chairs, and started the trash talk. haha!

The beach seen here could be interpreted as a holographic generated background which explains the wires at the bottom floor. Currently being is at 75% complete.

All the art seen here belongs to me.
Cammy, Juni and Juli are from Street Fighter Series copyrighted to Capcom.
This is fan art. Hopefully it will be liked. Please comments are very welcome!

There is more fan art to be seen from me, so please keep a look out to this blog. thank you all! :D

1 comment:

KingsSideCastle said...

Wow...really nice to see a beach shot involving all those three Street Fighter hotties. ^_^

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