Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Girl With Laptop Computer

Again, still testing and sharpening my 3ds max skills.  The real feature here is the chair she is sitting on.  Very simple design for a chair.  It is comfortable and elegant piece of furniture for future homes perhaps?

Redering with mental ray in 3ds max is something I am still exploring.  I usually never changed it from the default scanline renderer.  I am loving the cool features of the mental ray. I wanted to do some cautics in this scene, but I could not, mainly because I am still learning and got a few error messages regarding photons and such.  Also rendering caustics takes a loooong time.  Specially with my slow computer.

I made the girl here so she could test the chair, while she is on her laptop.  Once more, this scene involves 3d elements with my manga/anime art.  The 3d elements include lots of ink and paint, so it will have cartoon outline effect so it will blend good with my art.  I hope this looks fine.

To come up with a the final scene.  I had to experiment rendering the scene by itself and use photoshop to try to fit the girl there.  many times it didn't so I had to play with positioning the camera in a ranged of angles.

Below some of my test renderings:
This is what I used without the girl:

And some of the rest:

All art seen here belongs to me.  Thank you for your visits :)

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