Here is one of my favorite characters from Dead or Alive (DOA) video game: Ayane. Now you might notice that she is wearing her usual outfit, except for one little detail; the shoes. To my taste she would look great in these mules I have design for her in actual games. Only if the Tecmo Inc. would adopt my idea, and started making Ayane's shoes like this and incorporate it on upcoming DOA titles... I would certainly be willing to buy!

That is all for now, please click on the image to view the enlarged version.
All art seen here belongs to me, Ayane belongs to Tecmo inc.
So awesome...Ayane looks mega cute in this image.
I would like to read more on that site soon. BTW, rather nice design you have here, but what do you think about changing it once in a few months?
Your blog is super cool! <3
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