Friday, March 26, 2010

Makoto Sitting - Street Fighter 3

Here is another fan art of Street Fighter. Now Makoto is not that very popular I think, but I like her much, She is cute to me. and she has great martial arts. She should have been included in Street Fighter 4 I think. Capcom has done a very poor job in the development of this character I think. Meaning she only appears in one Street Fighter series (SF3) while others appear in lots. People, people please, we need more fan art of her. I wish her popularity grew as much as Chun li and other female characters have.

Well anyway, I am glad on how this turned out. It took me approximately 4 hours all together to do this picture (from hand sketch to final colored piece seen here). The background: a little genetic, I think. partially taken from 3d software map. Lettering custom made. I was going to use font from the list on Photoshop but It takes away a little from my originality. I hope she is liked.

Please keep a watch out for more fan art, coming soon! Have an excellent days :D


Anonymous said...

I've never heard about this character, but she's very well done!

althought I think chun lee is classic... lol

The Mossad Man said...

Hey do you have more like this? I'm trying to make a Makoto Fight Stick and I need some sexy Makoto art.... Do you have any more? please let me know ASAP, my email is or

The Mossad Man said...

This looks GREAT! Do you have any more Makoto art? I'm looking to make an arcade stick template and I need some art like this. Sexy art :). Would you have anymore?

Jimmy said...

@ The Mossad Man,
Sorry man! this is the one makoto fan art I have created so far, and thanks for the compliment :D I very much appreciate it!

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