Saturday, June 20, 2009

Velika and Scarlett

Here is a gift I did for a friend over at deviant art. These two characters belong to her; They are Velika, the one standing, and Scarlett is the one sitting down. Drawn traditionally with pencil and paper(but considering to upgrade using a drawing tablet for my computer).

Even though I do have a drawing tablet, I never use it because it feels very painful to control, I always have to restrain myself from pulling out my hair, because I lack the skills to use it. Some actually said that it is normal when you first use a drawing tablet, but once you get use to it, you will never think about creating art in other way!

Well, this piece was fun to make, and I enjoyed coloring it, I hope everyone likes it, and will be uploading more of art soon. Thank you all for your visits :D

1 comment:

Awesome Sara said...

scarlett looks like jasmine from aladdin!!! but your is so much better!

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