After a hard day of work, I would love to have a girl like this one play me a soft tune, while I lay down on a comfy couch and have a good cold soft drink at my side. hehe! just thinking at loud.
I have always like the sound of the harp, but in this days its really hard to find people that play this interesting instrument.
I am glad on how this piece came out. I was actually inspired to do this drawing while I was watching a bible story on youtube. It was the life of Solomon son of David. which kinda makes me think the harp is quite an old music instrument since it has then been used. and this goes way back before the time of Jesus; thousands of years back.
I have now been experimenting with very thin lines as you can see here, and the finish product always look neat for any type of drawing. I have made this file for sale (and not expensive at all) for those who are interested in copying and reproducing for business purposes. Click here to full specs.
Lol, I'm a red-headed harpist!
Hmmm... I'm a redhead and a harpist! I'd love to use this image on my facebook profile!
to anonymous above: go ahead. all i ask in return just if anybody asks where you got the image give me some credit.
Thanks Jimmy! x
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