Sunday, January 11, 2015

Señora Acero (Iron Lady) Anime

Hello friends;  This is my first post of 2015.  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years.

I have been watching Spanish tv and here I bring a fan art of an American Telenovela: Señora Acero.  Translated is "Iron Lady" or "Iron Maiden"... Something like that.  Great story! I loved it.  Why the wedding dress? The story begins with Sara Aguilar in a wedding dress, and also ends with her wearing it.  She has the bloodstain because she takes revenge of her enemy "El Indio Amaro" who has made her life hell, from day one he murdered her husband, unborn baby, and many more of her dear ones.   She has a golden gun which was a present she got from Quintanilla.  An ally, and friend.  Also one powerful drug-lord.  She is involved with money laundry.  Which makes her a bad guy, yet underneath she is a good guy.

I guess I would love to see this in anime.  This would be my concept art.

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