Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Elena Vs Dan

Another one of my street fighter fan doodles. Now here is Dan in a scissor lock by Elena. Someone asked me for this drawing, though I do not see Elena as a grapple fighter. if her style is capoeira, you probably would not see her applying this lock move.

She has him where she wants him, yet for Dan, I think by loosing, he actually wins! being wrapped up by her lovely legs like that might just be what he wanted in the first place. /wahaha

It was fun drawing this piece for sure, I will be back with more... :D

click the image to see the full size version.

this is fan art
characters: Dan and Elena are from Capcom's Street Fighter Series
art credits belong to me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting article as for me. It would be great to read something more concerning that theme. Thanx for sharing that material.

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