Saturday, June 13, 2009

Action Pose Manga Girl Lu

I am always looking for new techniques to color my art. This was done after watching some tutorial videos on Youtube. Did have fun creating this piece I call: Action Pose Manga Girl Lu. Why Lu? You might ask yourself. Well, in the past I have not given my drawings names, but from a little bit back, I decided it was a good idea, even though I just do random girls, but all my original characters.

After looking at this finished drawing, I know my main goal is to have her be in a fighting position, but can not quite tell here as she could also be dancing or

Thank you for the visit and have a wonderful day! ^_^


Lujo said...

I love it!!
It's fantastic!

Awesome Sara said...

OOooOOOOooo!!! I am loving this!!! thanks for follwoing my blogg! i'm following you too

Anonymous said...

this is a copy of an origional pic tut tut tut

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